Parent-Teacher Organization

St. Mary's Parent-Teacher Organization (P.T.O.) is a support group for the school. They PTO organizes many activities that benefit the school and students. ALL parents, preschool through grade eight, Catholic and Non-Catholic, are members of the PTO.

The primary purpose of the PTO is to support the ongoing mission of St. Mary’s School. Through the PTO, parents and teachers, strive to build community, strengthen communications, and provide resources necessary to support the school and the programs it offers. The PTO is also a forum for exchanging thoughts, expressing ideas, and sharing experiences.

The PTO has four meetings per year and some great fundraisers. It is in charge of the Gently-Used Uniform Sales, Spirit Wear Sales, Chili Supper, and others. The PTO also sponsors several activities throughout the year including Back to School Night, Grandparents’ Day, Christmas Dinner, and End of the Year Picnic. Please find time to attend a meeting and participate in some of the wonderful things PTO does for the children and staff of the St. Mary’s School family.

The officers for the 2021-2022 school year are:
President Nicole Bullard
Secretary Cathie Stratton
Treasurer Sara Kovacich

The officers, along with the principal, comprise the P.T.O. executive committee which meets periodically to take care of routine matters and other business that must be dealt with before the general meetings.